Inbar opened in 2019 as an educational track for girls, and currently serves students in grades 7-12. Inbar strives to be an outstanding educational framework, with the objective of enabling girls to reach their full potential, to succeed and excel academically, socially and morally. As a national secular educational track, Inbar provides students with an equal opportunity to develop and grow into significant and influential women, who freely choose their path, express their opinions clearly, and are leaders for themselves and their surroundings.
The school fosters leadership through developing excellence on three levels:
Personal Excellence – Placing emphasis on the needs of each student, her desires and strengths, and her ability to find and express her voice in order to get to know herself and to act based on self-confidence in every circle in which she is present.
Academic Excellence – Students are able to choose areas of study that interest them, in addition to the educational curriculum. We will use innovative pedagogical tools to create a learning environment that arouses curiosity and inspiration. We will expose the students to diverse content outside of school and to learning in different spaces.
Social/Community Excellence — Building women’s leadership that relates to the general community situation and to the situation of women specifically and takes responsibility through awareness, critical thinking, a system-wide perspective and a Tikkun Olam perspective.